Saturday, November 29, 2008

Getting On The Bus

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Spending it in NY with my beautiful niece was so great.

So, this marks my first Blog entry...wasn't sure if blogging was for me and I'm still not, but why could be fun!

Thought I'd devote this space to an opportunity to share some photos and descriptions about my life and adventures. I keep raving about the beauty of I will post photos of the great outdoors and the incredible people I meet along the way.

I am doing a race called Marathon des Sables in late March 2009. I'll write more about it, but for today...I just want to express my gratitude for this opportunity to do a race in Morocco and an extra little wish that my training will grow consistent and strong. 2008 has not been a banner year for me in terms of training, but I am intent on changing that pattern in 2009. Maybe blogging will help!

Speak love to you & yours!


“`There are going to be times,’ says Kesey, `when we can’t wait for somebody. Now you’re either on the bus or off the bus. If you’re on the bus, and you get left behind, then you’ll find it again. If you’re off the bus in the first place–then it won’t make a damn.’ And nobody had to have it spelled out for them. Everything was becoming allegorical, understood by the group mind, and especially this: `You’re either on the bus…or off the bus.” (Wolfe: The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test)

So great to see Victoria, Cath & Iwan last night...miss living close to you guys...but looking forward to our summer adventure!

Congrats to Anne Marie, Lisa & Will - you are IRONMEN!!! It was so great to share the weekend with you and watch you guys go the distance! Hope you had lots of turkey and are enjoying your recovery!

My niece trying on her first swim suit. She is very strong and I know she is going to be a little fish!!!


Unknown said...

Well, Miss Colleen, let me be the first to leave a comment!!
Hope you had a smashing Thanksgiving with your family in New York. Have you hit the shops yet? Malcolm has been there since Wed. night and he has been having a ball shopping a storm! What amazing deals there are, wish I was there too. I think I'm going to arrange it next year!
Write to me about what's up with your training. You have Lisa where you are, so you can't go wrong at MDS. I'm happy to share notes if you like. Safe trip back to Driggs. Speak soon girlfriend!
PS. Your niece is SOOOO CUTE!!!!

TonyP said...

Welcome to blog land !!

Lisa Smith-Batchen said...

So funny that last week I thought to myself, Colleen should have her own blog:)
I still can't seem to post on mine, not sure why.
Great photos!
It is snowing here today and beautiful. We have had an amazing weekend with our family and many friends! We are blessed.
See you next weekend!
Love to you
The Batchen

M DeMarco said...

You don't know if you need a blog? Honey, PLEASE. You are a hell of a writer.

And I'm glad to see you got the DNF/MTRC out of the way. Think about it... if you didn't do any training and was able to just make it through the triathalon... well, would you really train as hard for MdS? I know I wouldn't. I'd say "hell, I didn't train for AZ; I don't need to train so much for MdS." (This would be a subconscious voice, of course.)

And then you'd be f**ked. Would you rather DNF in Arizona or DNF at the Marathon des Sables?

You got it out of the way. Looks like you learned way more than I would have from it. Good. You're going to storm MdS-- well, you'd better. Because someone has to kick Henderson's ass and it's not going to be me.

I'm counting on you, girl.